Superhero Cape and Mask – Pattern Lookup Request

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Disclosure-Affiliate-Links-NewSuper Hero Capes are always a great project to crochet for young children. My children always asked me to tie their baby blankets or small towel around their shoulders to pretend to have their own magical capes. If you can crochet there are a number of great options available online to make your own Super Hero capes. One great project you can make is designed by Elisabeth Spivey and it is for a Superhero Cape and Mask. This pattern is available for free on her blog: Calleigh’s Clips & Crochet Creations. She has created it in multiple sizes too which makes it a fantastic pattern to save for later. Available sizes include 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-5 years. The design is written in US Crochet Terminology. The pattern is crocheted in worsted weight [4] yarn, using 2 strands held together and an N/P -15 (10.00 mm) crochet hook. One of the yarns she used was Lion Brand’s Vanna’s Choice Yarn.

Superhero Cape and Mask Pattern by Elisabeth Spivey

Superhero Capes and Masks Pattern Lookup Request

Pattern requested by Darlene.

This free pattern is available here: Superhero Cape and Mask by Elisabeth Spivey

If you are on Ravelry and plan on making this project, be sure to favorite and queue it so Elisabeth can see it too!

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Another option available is this Batman Cape by Laura Michels and change the Batman Logo to that of your child’s favorite superhero and you have the perfect cape for any childhood adventure. The logo for this project is cut out of black felt and attached with black thread but you can also use your favorite fabric glue to adhere it to the cape.

The free pattern is available here: Batman Cape Pattern by Laura Michels

If you are on Ravelry and plan on making this project, be sure to favorite and queue it so Laura can see it too!

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About Rhondda Mol

Rhondda Mol, an Ontario, Canada-based professional crochet designer and blogger, is passionate about helping the online crochet community create amazing projects. Through her easy-to-follow patterns and tutorials, she aims to help fellow crocheters - regardless of their level of experience - make handmade items. She recently launched a second website,, dedicated to providing free, indie-designed crochet patterns and tutorials, so anyone with the desire to learn how to crochet can reach their goals.

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